Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog 5: The Age Of AI

    After watching the video “In The Age Of AI” I have many conflicting feelings regarding this new shift in technology. On the one hand artificial intelligence is able to assist in our society and benefit us in a number of ways. By removing human error we are able to reduce the chance for accidents that could be harmful to professions such as truck drivers and other manual labor positions. We can also use it to enhance security systems, as facial recognition and fraud detection can help lower criminal activity both for online and offline services. On a more broad scale Artificial Intelligence has the ability to create solutions that we as humans could have never thought of. Sure we have not been able to do things such as create a cure to cancer, or solve climate change, but these computer algorithms could finally provide the information or breakthrough that makes these problems solvable.

    There is of course the elephant in the room, that AI technology is vastly diminishing our privacy. The ability of computers to take in countless pieces of our data and make decisions about us without us knowing, is frankly terrifying, especially because we have become more and more dependent on technology, and are using it in almost every industry. It is not even that companies have access to information that they may want, it is that they are collecting more data than they even know what to do with, and having that data sitting around with the possibility of theft or misuse, can be unsettling to most people.

    AI just like other forms of information technology has its positives and negatives. Its application could have an effect on our ability to function as a society the likes of which has not been seen before. Only time can tell whether the application of these technologies will be a net positive, or a net negative.

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