Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog 9: Netflix and Diffusion Theory

   As of 2021, I think it is fair to claim that traditional television is dying medium. A shift to alternatives such as online video streaming services, has had a dramatic impact on the creation and consumption of media that can not be overstated. But his change was not something that just happened overnight, as just like other successful innovations video streaming services went through a gradual process that led to how successful they are today. To showcase this I will be looking at Netflix, one of the biggest pioneers in the medium, through the lens of Diffusion Theory.

A major reason why Netflix was able to grow was because it fulfilled a niche that at the time major companies were not willing to take a chance one. Before Netflix there had already been platforms such as youtube that featured online videos, but these were shorter, typically less professional, and had a much smaller budget than the average television show. People could also view their favorite shows online before Netflix, but doing so usually meant going through untrustworthy sites that could cause harm to their computers. Netflix was able to position themselves as the sole solution for those wishing to watch their shows online, and this heavily contributed towards the acquisition of early adopters.

There are however, many people like myself who were late to adopting Netflix, and this could be due to a number of reasons. First the use of the service requires technology that can access the internet which may not be available to those of lower financial status. Second there is a level of trust associated with being able to purchase physical media such as DVDs and knowing it can not be lost through online errors. These are issues Netflix has been addressing through the years by letting people access the service through their phones, and having the service be essentially a database people are paying to have access to, rather than make customers pay for individual shows or movies.


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